Wednesday, November 26, 2008


FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 21st - 2008

Today I saw Twilight, twice.  Not because I loved it so much, it's just that I went with my mom and Stacy this morning, and then tonight I went for girls night out.  We had already bought the tickets, and I wanted a night out with the girls.  This morning as I was at the movie, I couldn't stop from giggling.  My mom asked what was so funny.  It reminded me of a B movie.  I don't know how to explain it, other than it reminded me of a movie you'd see on MST3000. 

 For those of you who have seen MST3000, you will know what I am talking about.  For those of you who haven't, It's a show about a guy and his robot sidekicks who are trapped on a satellite in space by an evil scientist and forced to watch a selection of terrible movies (B movies).  To keep sane, the guy and his robots make a running commentary on the film, making fun of its flaws and wisecracking their way through the film (thank you wikipedia for help defining MST3000).  I guess I just had some wisecracks going through my mind throughout most of the film.  It wasn't supposed to be funny, but I thought it was.  

Tonight I saw it a second time with some friends.  I have to admit, I liked it better the second time, and I didn't giggle once.  High points of the film for me:  I liked who they cast for Bella, Charlie and Emmet.  I didn't really like who they cast for anyone else.  I guess Jacob was ok.  We'll see how good his acting is in the next movie, he's going to have a much bigger role in New Moon.   Low points:  It just didn't fit with the vision I had in my head AT ALL.  I also felt like they dummed it down a little to appeal to the teenage crowd at the expense of developing some of the characters.  They left out my 2 favorite conversations in the book almost completely.  And, they totally botched up the meadow scene, which was in essence, the whole reason Stephenie Meyers wrote the book.  She had a dream about the scene in the meadow, and that started it all.  On a side note- did you all catch Stephenie's cameo in the movie?

Ok, enough about the movie.  Let me know what YOU thought about it.  Even though the movie wasn't my favorite, how can you go wrong with a night out with the girls?
Afterwards we went to Chili's for dessert and to hang out.  It was a fun night.


Darrel said...

The only way that I would be willing to see that movie if it was presented on MST3000. Which, by the way is a great show. I have actually seen a movie that I had previously seen on MST3000.

watein - I believe it is a type of water protein.

Brian said...

Darrel, that's hilarious because when we were in "Sunday School" on Sunday, I said the same thing. Although it made me so sad that nobody knew of MST3000. THAT is a travesty.

AZ Hey-mon said...

Kim, I look like I am drunk and the girls are trying to hold me up.
Actually, I think next time I go see it I will make sure I have a few drinks, maybe it will make it better.

prism said...

I liked it, actually. I'm not saying it was the "best movie ever" or anything, but I was pleased.

I don't get upset about books transitioning to movies. I look at it as a different way to tell a story, so it is going to be interpreted differently. And, because of that, it's kind of a given that you can't really get the depth of the characters as in books, and then the condensing, etc. I was pleased with it.

I like the book better, but I wasn't disappointed in the movie. The only part that really bugged me was when he was speed-walking around the car - they could have done that better. Jasper was different than I imagined, and Carlisle did look a bit like Tom Cruise from Interview with a Vampier - but again - it was decent. :-)

prism said...

MST3000 is pretty humorous. ;-)

Sheri said...

It was a B movie. But I still liked it. I thought there was good chemistry between Edward and Bella.

Shauna said...

First comment: Karen's comment made me laugh so hard I almost peed my pants!

Second comment: I loved girls night out! The movie was 'good enough' although I felt like I was making judgments the whole time. "That was a good part." "That wasn't so good." "Why did she say it like that?" Then I saw it a second time and enjoyed it a lot more because I was able to just watch the movie.

We really should do girls night out more often!

Third comment: I actually know what MST3000 is. I just never knew the name of it. Never really watched it though.

Merilee said...

I think I need to see it again.