Friday, July 18, 2008

Game night

Saturday, July 12th - 2008

Tonight we went over to Darrel and Trina's house for game night.  

We played buzzword.  The girls were on one team, the guys on the other.  Guess who won.  That's right - girls rule, boys drool!  I think I love to play Buzzword because I dominate at it.  Although, I did take some flak for knowing the term "horsefeathers".  I know I'm old, but I can't be the only one who has ever heard that term before.  The game took a funny turn when Ian used the phrase "beat feet".  We all ridiculed him, but it turns out it is an "urban" term, meaning to leave somewhere.  That lead to looking up what our names meant in "urban" terms.  Ian's was the funniest.  It had something to do with a frolicking little boy who licks wood?  Joe was happy with his name.  It said Joe - a man's man.  An awesome guy.  I don't know what web site Ian was on to look these up, but he had us laughing all night.  

We also played  Balderdash.  I don't remember who won, but I know it was NOT me.  I am pretty lame at that game.  It was still fun though.  Thanks Darrel and Trina for letting us hang out.  
Rowan is such a cutie.  This was my favorite photo of the night.  Actually I do have a pretty great photo of Sheri that made us all laugh, but I didn't want her to be mad at me for posting it


Teresa said...

OK, you have to share the website where you found all the name meanings!

Sheri said...

I wouldn't care if you post it. I don't take good photos anyway.

I was a fun night, we really need to have a game night once a month.

Heather said...

I love game nights. I have never played buzz word. I'll have to check it out.