Monday, May 19, 2008

Sweet Treat

Sunday, May 18th - 2008

I love Sunday. It is my total lazy day. Brian pretty much does all the cooking. Probably because he knows if he left it up to me, we wouldn't be eating. This is what he came up with for our family home evening refreshments. I sent him to Costco yesterday for a few things. He always comes home with more than a few extra's - I guess that's the price I pay for him going instead of me. Anyway, this was the "extra's" he came home with, so I won't complain. Yum!


prism said...

Wow! mmmm.... one of my very favorites...does he teach lessons to other husbands?

AZ Hey-mon said...

look at that perfectly arranged strawberry. Looks delish! Now I see the hurry to leave church early. HA!

Heather said...

Patrick loves doing fancy desserts too and I love it. I am so excited you have a blog of your own.

Teresa said...

OK, now I'm hungry!

Sheri said...

Why didn't you share?

Sheri said...

P.S. I LOVE the music. but you already knew that.

LauraB said...

Kim, I just found your new blog!! Where have I been?? Oh, yeah, Idaho and Utah.

Trina said...

OH my, that looks so good and there isn't even chocolate involved! Lucky girl!