MONDAY, AUGUST 18th - 2008
I notice that a lot of songs I have on the list, I don't actually have cd's for. I haven't bought a new cd in a while. With Ipods, Satellite radio, and the ability to download any song you want, I haven't felt the need to. Then I start to notice a theme here: a lot of the songs I have written down are from the past couple of seasons of SYTYCD. As we watch she'll mention that she likes the song that someone was dancing to. I of course, pay attention, and write it down on my list. So, I ended up making her a SYTYCD music cd. That way, when she's in the car and can't watch the show, she can put the cd in and still hear the music. I didn't have ANY of the songs and had to download all of them (actually Brian did all the work. He knows his way around a computer - I dont!) Thanks Brian!
I still have a long list of great songs from the cd's that I have that I want to make for her, but that will have to wait for another time.
I didn't even see the mix! I'll have to ask her about it - I bet she loves it.
I do love it. We listened to it on the way to the cabin. Thanks Kim!!
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