SATURDAY, AUGUST 23rd - 2008
Today was a LONG day. It started with a service project at the church. The scouts were cleaning the church building today at 9:00 a.m. Alex spent the night at our house last night, so he went with Joe to help clean. I dropped them off at 9:00. Apparently a parent was supposed to stay and help, not just drop them off, but I didn't know that. It's not my fault really, I e-mailed his scout leader and specifically asked if I needed to stay. He said "No", so I feel no guilt whatsoever.
Joe had another activity for scouts this afternoon from 3:00 - 4:30. It was for his swimming merit badge. I knew that Joe would not like the fact that he had 2 "not fun" activities in one day, and that he is super slow, and would take a long time to get ready, so I bribed him. I told him that if he could go to both of his activities without making a huge fuss, and manage to be ready on time, then I would take him to see a movie tonight. I know it's wrong to bribe, but I also knew the struggle I was in for, and I wasn't feeling very good today, so I did it. And, it worked. Joseph can work really well when he has an incentive.
The swimming turned out to be more fun than he anticipated. His cousin Jared Ammon was even 0ne of the instructors today.
Anyway, I was sporting a massive headache and was in a pretty grumpy mood. I was not looking forward to and hour and a half of cartoon's running around battling each other. But, it wasn't so bad, by the time the movie let out, my headache was gone and I was in a pretty good mood. It turned out to be fun after all.
Every parent bribes now and again (unless they are "thumping" their kids of course!)
For your future info - I answer MY phone!!
It's ok, so saw the movie on Wednesday. What was with Jabba's gay uncle?
Laura, I didn't know you liked Star Wars, of course I would have invited you, had I known.
Yeah, the movie wasn't the greatest. The boys liked it though. I did think the battle droids added a little comic relief. Sheri, I was wondering the same thing about the uncle. With today's society maybe it is expected to add the "interesting" gay character. Whatever!
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