TUESDAY, JANUARY 27th - 2009
Joe and I have an after school routine. It involves snacks, homework, reading, guitar practice, etc... If he gets everything done in a timely manner, then there is usually time to go to grandma's house for about an hour to play. We usually make it there Tuesday, Thursday and Friday afternoons. Monday we have FHE so we don't go, and Wednesday is scouts. Anyway, while Joe is off playing with Dallin, Michael and Xander, I just hang out and wait. Usually that involves playing with Joshua.
Today we played blocks:
Another favorite thing to do at grandma's is to "see the boat". Somehow Rowan and I started this. My mom loves Noah's ark, and has a few of them around the house. This one is on a shelf by the fireplace:
One day, I decided to lift Rowan up and show him the boat and all of the animals. Hey, he loves boats, I thought it would be fun. Well, now every time we are at Grandma's house he has to "see the boat". It's a fun little thing we do. I point out all of the animals and we make the animal noises. Joshua has seen us do this a few times, and he now has to be in on the action. So, after we played blocks, we went to "see the boat".
Where is Noah? Did he jump ship or was there a mutiny?
Hey, that's a good lookin' brick wall behind that boat!!
Mom - Noah has been missing for a while.
Laura - I was going to say the same thing. It's awesome isn't it?
Evan also loves to see the "boat" :)
That is really a great looking Noah's Ark. I've never seen one like that.
Is that the infamous fireplace? If so, you did an amazing job!
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