Joe will turn 12 at the end of this month. That means he will be getting the priesthood soon. Tonight was the priesthood preview for all of the 11 year old boys. Both Brian and Joe had to give talks at it. Neither of them were excited about that. But they both did a good job. The funniest thing was that Brian and Joe somehow both used the same quote in their talks, but did not know that the other was using it. Brian went first in his talk, and when he started reading the quote, Joe recognized it and he let out this huge sigh, rolled is eyes and said "Daaaad". Brian stopped speaking and said, "what is it Joe". He replies "You stole my quote." Then, Joe gets up to give his talk. When he gets to the part with the quote, he looks up from the paper and shoots Brian a dirty look while shaking his head, and then slowly, reads the quote. It was pretty funny.
Also, he finally got to wear his panda tie that grandma got for him in China. He was pretty happy about that. It is one sweet tie.
He looks so handsome. I can't believe he's almost 12!
He really is a handsome kid...even if he is acting silly.
Craig and Austen both had to speak last year. That's funny. Man if I would have known we would have brought Carter so we could make faces at them. He is lookin' sharp and ready to move on up to Deacons!
I like Joe so much!! He IS a great kid!
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