So, I grew up in the best neighborhood in the world. At the time, we were out of town. A little neighborhood, off of a dirt road, surrounded by cotton fields. It was great. The houses were really spread out, and there was lots of places to run around.
We would hike down to the "lion's den" (it was actually a small covered ditch near my dad's office). There was plenty of room to ride bikes, play kick the can, capture the flag, or ditchem. My cousins lived right across the street, so there was always somebody to play with. We spent all of our free time outside playing red rover, tag, croquet, 3 flies up, 5 bases, victory, or some equally fun game that we just made up. When it rained we'd have mud ball fights. It was awesome.
When it got hot outside, we'd go swimming, or have water balloon fights or all hang out in my mom's basement playing murder in the dark.
The neighborhood is still there. The road is now paved, and it is now smack dab in the middle of town. The cotton fields have been replaced with housing developments where the houses are crowded incredibly close together. But, MY neighborhood, the one I grew up in is still the same. It's still spread out with lots of room for kids to run around.
Now the kids belong to me, and my sisters and my brothers. I was blessed to grow up with lots of brothers and sisters and cousins nearby. Sadly, Joe is an only child. This is why I make an effort to bring him over to my mom's house A LOT. The magic is still there. There are cousins to play with. There are fields to run in and trees to climb, and dirt mountains to conquer. There is plenty of room to run around and be a kid. When he gets older, hopefully he'll have some of the same fond childhood memories that I have.
Days spent running the neighborhood with his cousins:
I really relate to this post. I loved growing up in that neighborhood with all that space to run free. I also worry that Jack won't get that same experience. It's so good that you make the effort with Joseph to expose him to the big family.
It is still a pretty safe place to let kids roam. I think back on the times we left Jon and Patrick on their own (Wendy and Charlotte MAY have been around, but seriously - were they WATCHING them?) while we'd run errands and be gone for hours. They'd be all over the neighborhood AND surrounding areas. We never worried. In most neighborhoods now days that would be unthinkable.
Totally agree. I love living here.
I'm glad the old neighborhood still has some of its charm. Stacy calls it a retirement community.
That sounds magical - large, close knit family - lots of fun to have, lots room to play outdoors. Nice memories to have!!
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