Wednesday, February 18, 2009

lazy Sundays

SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 15th - 2009

By noon on Sunday's church is over and we have the rest of the day with nothing to do.  It's absolutely great.  I love that we are all home together and there is nothing pressing us for our time, no errands, no work or school.  We have time to hang out and be together.  

My two favorite guys:
Sundays = family time.  

How do you spend your Sundays?


Teresa said...

LOVE that picture. How sweet. I also love hanging around the house with my men. We make a big effort to have nothing scheduled on Sundays so we can relax as a family.

Sheri said...

After church I usually eat, rest and yell at my kids. Not necessarily in that order, but that usually happens every Sunday.