MONDAY, APRIL 6th - 2009
It's getting close to the end of the school year and Joe has a final HUGE history project. It involves writing a report, making a display and coming up with a costume. Each child in the class was assigned a chapter from the history book to do their report on. They actually got to write down their top three choices and then the teacher would assign from there. Sadly for Joe, he forgot to bring his paper back in. So, instead of getting Ancient Greece or China, like he wanted. He got stuck with Revolutions and Nations. His teacher said she gave it to him because she thought he would enjoy it. I think he got stuck with it because no one else wanted it.
Anyway, his notes are due on Thursday. If this were me in school, I would save everything for the last night and then pull an all nighter and get it done. I procrastinated EVERYTHING. However, since I am trying to not pass that bad habit onto Joe, we started on the notes tonight.
He has to have 5 different sources and only one of them can come from the internet. Grrr.... Why is that? Why does he have to go to the library when everything he needs can be found on line? It's frustrating.
He has to have a minimum of 10 notes from each different source. There has been much whining and complaining and taking of breaks (from both me and Joe) but we are getting it done.
What did you do today? I hope it was more fun than taking notes on the French Revolution.
I actually think history of any kind is facinating. I want to hear the report when it's done.
The only fun thing I did yesterday was get a lemon zester cookie from Paradise Bakery. That pretty much made my day.
Not Alex, Sheri.
That dang kid.
I was the procrastinator myself. I always wrote papers hours before they were due.
Many internet sources are unreliable. I think that is way they only allow one source from the internet. Although I think you should be able to use credible internet sources, such as encyclopedia websites. Beware of Wikipedia.
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