SUNDAY, APRIL 26th - 2009
As a mom, today was a proud day for me. Joe passed the sacrament for the first time at church. He was very nervous before hand. But afterwards he said that while he was doing it, he didn't really feel nervous at all. I'm so proud of him.
Also, he found out today that is the second counselor in his deacons quorum. He was pretty happy about that too. All in all it was an important day at church for Joe.
I'm proud for other reasons too. He's such a great kid. He's imaginative and creative. I swear I would like to spend just one day in his mind. He is funny and has a great sense of humor. He is honest and does what is right. He is kind and sensitive to others. I just feel like a proud mom today. I'm so glad I have Joe. I appreciate him so much.
This is the only picture I took today:
I don't think that Joe realizes just how proud I am of him. Sure, we butt heads, but that never takes away from how much I love him. He is such a sweet, kind, loving, and honest young man. Opposite from his father I guess. He has such a clear sense of right and wrong and cares so much for others. ANY parent would be proud to call him theirs!
hehe i like the picture
Joe is an awesome kids! Hooray for passing the sacrament!
I meant "kid" not "kids"
You guys deserve to be proud--you've done a good job with that kid.
Way to go, Joe! You are a special young man - keep those deacons in line!!
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