Monday, April 20, 2009

new phone

MONDAY, APRIL 13th - 2009

As most of you know I am totally and completely anti-cell phone.  What is so freaking important that you can't wait until you get home to call someone about?  And one of my biggest pet peeves ever is when people talk on their cell phone while they are driving.  So, it may surprise you that today I got this:
Believe me, I did not ask for it.  Brian brought it home for me.  I'd say that I would probably never use it, but I already have.

I constantly tease Brian about his texting.  He's like a 13 year old girl with his phone - texting messages to his friends.  Apparently he is determined to turn me into a 13 year old girl too.  He has texted me many many times already, and I am ashamed to admit that I have texted him back and I liked it!

Oh, don't ask me for my number.  I don't know what it is.


Sheri said...

So...what's your number?

Although I only call you when I want something...right?

Brian said...

Right Sheri.

Tim said...

I erase all text messages I receive before I read them. On principle.

Brian said...

So when Becca sends you a text msg cause she has been abducted and cannot talk and her only way of communicating is via said text she is screwed but at least you still have your principle, right Tim?

Teresa said...

Good point Brian--there are good reasons for text messaging. I thought it was great when I was working and on conference calls where I couldn't talk, but needed to confirm after work plans with friends or family. Problem is, people abuse the texting. I know people (who will remain nameless) who prefer texting to talking and it makes me crazy. Also, people use it to say things they don't want to say in person. Man up people!

OK, I will get off my soap box. Really, cell phones are addictive. Within a week you will wonder how you ever got by without it. Oh, and the camera is the best!

LauraB said...

Kim, Kim, Kim. Don't you know the opportunities you have missed? You could have saved on your car insurance, your carpets could have been cleaned, you could have donated those used clothes to the Boys and Girls club...the list goes on and on. Well, now you will be blessed with those opportunities again - just wait. The calls will start coming!

Kim said...
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