Saturday, April 11, 2009


TUESDAY, APRIL 7th - 2009

Brian had the day off today.  It is VERY unusual for Brian to be home during the week unless he is home sick in bed.  However, someone at work needed to trade days off this week, so here it is Tuesday and I have Brian all to myself - woo hoo!  

We ran a whole bunch of errands together and then went to lunch.  I decided I don't mind running errands so much when I don't have to drive.  
Happy Day!


Teresa said...

Being driven around and getting a lunch out? That's not bad at all.

Joe said...

So where did u go & y didn't u bring me anything back?!?

Sheri said...

I love it when Ian is off during the week.

We still missed Brian on Saturday, though!

LauraB said...

I'll second that, Sheri! We missed the spark that is Brian - there was nobody there to give Charlotte grief!

Adam Gonzales said...

I made up for not posting a quote on Sunday; I posted two today! Spread the word about my blog and book!

Becca said...

It's funny how I want everyday to be the day off, but then again When my breaks are to long I need the routine of work again...

Shauna said...

I love it when Alan drives me around on my errands. I get dropped off at the front door and picked up at the front door! And he always pays for lunch too!