Thursday, March 12, 2009

7 random things

MONDAY, MARCH 9th - 2009

So, Elise "tagged" me about a month ago to do the 7 random things post.  Since I am a huge procrastinator, and very slow I am finally getting around to it now.  Mostly because I have no real picture of the day, and I have to do something.  Here's how it works.  You have to list 7 random things about yourself that people probably don't know about you.

I had a hard time with this one.  I've done the random things post a few times, so there is not much left to reveal.  So, if you already knew these things about me, then sorry.  It's the best I've got.

1.  I gave up drinking caffeine over 10 years ago, and I still crave Cherry Coke at least once a week.  I miss it so much.

2.  I secretly wish I was a drummer in a rock band.  When I was younger that's all I wanted to be when I grew up.  Oh well.  Thank goodness for Rock Band 2.  I can sort of live out my dream.

3.  Since I started working out again, I crave chocolate chip cookies EVERYDAY!  I don't eat them everyday, but I totally crave them.  It's been 8 weeks now and I still crave them.  What is wrong with me?

4.  Doing the dishes is my LEAST favorite chore.  I would rather Iron all day, or clean the bathroom (seriously) than do the dishes.  I loathe it, and it's one of those things that you have to do EVERY STINKIN' DAY!   What is your least favorite household chore?  I'm curious.

5.  I am a rule follower.  I can't NOT follow the rules.  This applies to nearly everything.  When cooking, I carefully measure.  I can't do " a pinch"  of this, or "a dash" of that.  When playing games - I CAN'T cheat.  Even if I could get away with it, I wouldn't.  I've never peeked at a birthday or Christmas present early.  I don't know what it is.  It probably has something to do with the OCD that runs in my family.  The only thing I fudge on is speed limits, and even then, the most I'll go over the actual limit is 8 or 9 mph, because I know you won't get pulled over if you are doing less than 10 miles over the speed limit.  

6.  Ok, this is the scariest one to admit.  I am currently in training to run the San Diego Marathon.  I didn't want to tell anyone in case I fail, but there it is.  I may be the fattest, slowest one there, and I'm worried about getting kicked off the course for being too slow, but I'm going to try anyway.  I'd rather try and fail than not try at all ( but really, I don't want to fail).  

 7.  My favorite color is yellow.  That one is boring, but I really can't think of anything else, sorry.

I choose to not tag anyone, but if you'd like to list 7 random things about yourself, I'd love to read it.


Brian said...

I don't think any of you realize just HOW MUCH Kim craves Cherry Coke. To this day if I mention it she salivates. It's like a vampire. (Kim loves Vampires too).
And as for the marathon, Kim, I KNOW that you will do great and will do much better than you can ever imagine!!!

Teresa said...

I am so impressed with people who run marathons. I will never want to run for that long, unless I have to because I am being chased.

Sheri said...

I crave chocolate chip cookies all the time too (whether I'm working out or not).

I am so impressed that you're going to run that marathon. I just can't run long distances (i have a problem). You're awesome!

Trina said...

I wish I was you running that marathon! Go Kim! You are amazing!
You will do fabulously! My least favorite chore would probly be mopping!

Heather said...

I didn't know craving chocolate chip cookies everyday wasn't normal. I definitely crave cookies every day. My least favorite chore is dusting. I am so impressed that you are going to run a marathon. I am a wuss and can only get myself to do a half. I liked all of your random things.

ducklips said...

Yay! I'm so glad you did this. Just because I don't write on my blog anymore doesn't mean I don't read them. I'm just so lazy that I rarely comment. I will start again, just need to get into the habit. I, too, am impressed with the marathon. I tried running. I really can't get passed that 3 mile mark. I know that's lame but I get so bored. I think getting off the treadmill would probably help. I'm right there with you on dishes. That and folding laundry. Everyday chores are no fun.

I think we should have a rock band party.

Shauna said...

#2 - I secretly want to be a bass player in a band.

#3 - I could eat a dozen chocolate chip cookies every single day.

#4 - I will do your dishes every day of the week if you iron my husband's shirts. I.hate.ironing!

#6 - I have never in my life had the desire to run a marathon so I am totally and completely impressed that you are in training to do so! Run, Kim, run!!