Sunday, March 4, 2012

family photo shoot

M2B =) days 695 - 705.  Tuesday, January 10th - Friday, January 20th happiness.

Wow, I am far behind.  I am going to try to catch up a little this week, so here goes:

Tuesday, January 10th happiness:  What made me happy today?  Taking a nap after school.  I love it when I can do that.

Wednesday, January 11th happiness:  Family photo shoot.  I got to hang out with my nieces and nephews and take lots of photos.  It was fun.

Ok, so this isn't everyone, but you get the idea.  Also, I am starting to notice that a lot of the photos I have of Joe are with his guitar.  

Thursday, January 12th happiness:  The teacher I work with at school is a HUGE Michigan State fan.  Seriously.  I mean, every day, the kids face the American flag and say the pledge of allegiance and then she has them turn around and face the Michigan State flag and they sing the Michigan State Fight Song before the head off to math class.  

As it turns out, Michigan State had a pretty great season.  And, she kept telling the kids that if they made it to a bowl game, then we would have a tailgate party.  Well, they made it!  They didn't win, but it was a good game.  

So, this afternoon, we cooked hot dogs and had chips and soda, and we sang the fight song one last time, and watched the end of the Michigan State game.  The kids loved it.  And I love working with a teacher who is so fun!
Also, today was a cloudy gorgeous day.  Loved it!

Friday, January 13th happiness:  Ok, so I often have insomnia.  It's ok to have it for a night or two, but any more than that in a row, and I just get SOOOOO tired.  Well, I haven't slept well at all this week, so I knew that if I was going to make it through school today, I would need a little help.

I stopped off at CVS before school this morning to get a 5 hour energy, and I got carded.  First of all, I didn't know you had to be 18 to buy it.  Second of all Jon who works at CVS is now one of my favorite people ever for thinking I was 18, and for being totally surprised when I told him I was more than twice that.  Thanks Jon!  I needed that today.
Saturday, January 14th happiness:  Joe decided (on his own) that he would like a hair cut today.  While I prefer his hair short, I don't hassle him about how he chooses to wear it.  It is HIS hair after all.  So, I was pretty excited when he announced today that he would like to get a haircut.  I didn't hesitate.  I drove him there before he could change his mind.  I like it so much better, and I think he does too.

Sunday, January 15th happiness:  We got to go and see Michael get the priesthood today!   Also today was a gorgeous day to be outside, so Joe and I decided to do a photo shoot with the new hair.  His guitar had to come along, of course.  
I think this was MY favorite shot of the day.
Later there was time for hanging out with the cousins a little bit.
Monday, January 16th happiness:  NO SCHOOL!  I got some much needed cleaning done.

Tuesday, January 17th happiness:  When you wake up in the early morning and you realize that you still have like 3 hours left to sleep.

Wednesday, January 18th happiness:  3:45 p.m.  It is my favorite time of day.  The work day is over, I have picked up Joe, and we are home.  I change into my cozy clothes and take a few minutes to just sit on the couch and do nothing.  I Love it.

Thursday, January 19th happiness:  I got in the car this morning to go to work, and The Cure, "Just like Heaven" is on the radio.  I get to hear it all the way through.  Hearing an awesome song on the radio on the way to work, just sets the mood for the day.  

Friday, January 20th happiness:  Today was a nap after school kind of day.  I felt dizzy all afternoon, so I had to take one of my dizzy pills and go to bed.  I am happy that when that happens, Brian takes care of everything else that needs to be done.  He took Joe out to dinner tonight to Red Lobster so I could rest.  He is awesome.

Happy Day!


Teresa said...

I wish you didn't live so far away, because I would love for you to take some family pictures for me. You do a great job of capturing the personality of those kids.

Sheri said...

Your pictures turned out better than mine! And i love that picture of the 3 boys wrestling.