Saturday February 27th happiness:
This year for Joe's birthday, he didn't really want to have a party with friends or doing anything super special, which he has in the past. So we kept it really low key. Easy for me = happiness.
All he really wanted was for Alex, Michael and Dallin to come over, eat cake and ice cream and play some rock band. Since Ben and Max had spent the night, the Trezise clan joined us for cake too. Good times.
Sadly, I have not taken a photo since Saturday. So, the rest of this post is sans photos.
Sunday happiness: Stake conference. It was the best one I think I have EVER been to. And to think, I almost let Joe talk me into ditching. Butch Haught (I hope I spelled that right), who used to do my hikes when I went to girls camp gave the best talk ever. I laughed, I cried, it was fantastic.
Also Sunday, we went with Sheri, mom, dad, dallin and michael to visit grandmother. Happy Day.
Monday is a blur. It's only Wednesday today, and I have already forgotten Monday. See what happens when I don't take my photos. Shame on me. Anyway, the one thing I do remember about Monday is that we had a really good family home evening. Now, they are not always good - often rushed, forgotten, complained about, or argued through. Every once in a while, you get one where everything is good. Monday, everything was good.
Yesterday was a rough day all around. I won't lie. It was really hard to find the happiness yesterday. But there was a bright spot. Yesterday I fit into a size of jeans that I haven't been able to wear in a LONG LONG time. Woo hoo!
Happy Day!
Segway-Security Guards also make me happy.
Was yesterday bad because I asked you to babysit?
Also, I love Butch Haught too.
I really like these happiness posts. I think we could all benefit by forcing ourselves to look for the positive in each day. Thanks for doing these Kim.
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