M2B =) days 275 - 280. Saturday, November 6th - Thursday, November 11th.
Saturday, November 6th happiness: I went with my mom, Joe, Joshua and Michael to watch Rowan's soccer game. He did awesome today.
I had to have it. Thanks to my mom, I love the Carpenters, and they make great Christmas albums. She has the voice of an angel. Listening to it today got me excited for the holidays!
This afternoon was this boy's birthday party:
A good time was had by all. I love this photo.
Tonight Joe and I went with my mom to watch Adam in his stand up comedy debut. There was a contest at his school tonight. It was pretty funny.
I love that Adam invites me to his performances.
Sunday, November 7th happiness: I got to spend some time this afternoon with this family:
We took some family photos. Not a bad way to spend the afternoon.
Monday, November 8th happiness:
I love fun socks. There is something to be said for having happy feet. These are my favorite cozy, stripey socks. Is it weird that socks make me happy?
Today after school Joe and I started decorating for Christmas. We didn't do the tree, but we put up the wreath and the village, our stockings, nativities and snowmen. It is looking really festive in here. Woo hoo!
Tuesday, November 9th: I got 45 whole minutes of couch time, to myself today. I can't remember the last time I had 45 consecutive minutes to myself. Is it wrong that I wasted it on the couch watching a t.v. show? I don't even care. I loved it.
Wednesday, November 10th: I pulled out the Taebo dvd today. It felt good to be moving. It's been too long since I've exercised. The goal is to make it a regular occurrence. We'll see.
Thursday, November 11th: 2 for 2. I didn't do Taebo, but I did go for a walk/run at my mom's this afternoon. I was slow and a little sore afterwards, but it really felt good. I always dread exercising, but feel really good after I do.
That's it for now.
Happy Day!
Any time you want to go walking -give me a call!
I love, LOVE your play list right now. Ask Me by the Smiths. Awesome.
The Carpenters are the best when it comes to Christmas music. Also, I agree that socks should be fun and colorful!
And, how great is that picture of all the kids ready to fight?!
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