M2B =) days 382 - 389. Monday, February 21st - Monday, February 28th.
Monday, February 21st happiness: No school. Woo hoo! I took Joe to go hang out with some friends from school today. They met near the library to make videos of themselves dancing. There was no way I was just going to drop him off, but he didn't want to be embarrassed by having his mommy there, so I parked a ways off and I read a book in the car. It was nice to have some down time to just read. I rarely get that anymore. It was also really fun to peek in the rear view mirror every so often and watch him making videos with his friends.
I have looked at Costco every time I have gone for the last year, hoping to find the delicious juice. To no avail.
Then, recently I was at Walmart doing some grocery shopping. I went down the juice aisle for some apple juice. Lo and behold, I spotted it out of the corner of my eye:
It wasn't Costco. It was Walmart! I was sooooo happy to make that discovery. After a year of searching. Mystery solved.
Wednesday, February 23rd happiness: Valerian Root. A friend of mine at work suggested it for me because I have trouble sleeping. I am loving it. This is like the 4th night in a row that I have had an awesome nights sleep. That is some sort of record for me. Love it!
Friday, February 25th happiness: Brian and Joe went out for an early celebration of Joe's birthday. Joe loves gelato. We almost never get it. So, for his birthday Brian decided to take him to get some.
When they got home, they had brought me both a shake and a gelato. I jokingly asked if they were trying to fatten me up? Joe replied, "It's so we can eat you." =)
While they were gone, I finished my puzzle. It was nice to have some down time.
Also tonight, Joe and I watched Despicable Me together. I forgot how much I really like that movie. It was a great day today!
Saturday, February 26th: HAPPY BIRTHDAY JOE!
I can't believe my baby is 14. Time flies, and I don't like it. Joe's birthday was pretty low key. We took him to The Cheesecake Factory for lunch. And later this afternoon, we took him to Coldstone Creamery so he could pick out a cake. He got red velvet with strawberry ice cream.
Sunday, February 27th happiness: Brian got me sourdough bread to go with dinner tonight. mmmmmmm good.
Joe and Brian put together our patio furniture this afternoon (it finally came in!) Now we have somewhere to sit when we go out back. Fantastic.
Monday, February 28th happiness: Today was crazy hair day at school. It was fun to see all the kids with their silly hair styles.
That's it for now.
Happy Day!
Your blog hates me. I've been trying to post on it for a couple of days now.
Oh wow! That one worked. Ok, let me say I can't believe that Joe is 14 now! Wow. I love reading about how much you love that kid.
I feel like I totally missed Joe's birthday.
I suck.
btw, that puzzle grew on me.
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