Tuesday, January 4, 2011

trees and sunsets and sunrise and Christmas.......

M2B =) days 307 - 315. Wednesday, December 8th - Thursday, December 16th.

Wednesday, December 8th happiness: As far as days go, today was not good. It was worse than not good. It was rough, hugely busy and stressful. I did not enjoy most of it. What I did enjoy today was these trees:
I took Max and Ben home today, and these trees were so pretty. It made me happy to see them. Also, I truly would not have survived the day without Brian. As I was having multiple panic attacks, and mini meltdowns, he was doing everything he could to help me out.

He even came to the activity tonight that I was in charge of, just to help me out. He gave up his one evening to himself, to come and help me out. How nice is that?

The activity turned out fine, thanks to him.
I got home tonight and plopped down on the couch and just sat for a while. It was fantastic.

Thursday, December 9th happiness: Thursday afternoon's is science class. Today's unit was on flowers. The kids basically take apart a flower and learn all about it. I liked it because these got to sit on my desk all day:
They were beautiful, and smelled so good. I thoroughly enjoyed them. They brightened up my day.

After school today I had a mini meltdown. It's been building up for a while. I had myself a good cry. The great thing about having a meltdown is how much better you feel afterwards. I always feel better after a good cry.

Friday, December 10th happiness: Tonight we went to look at Christmas lights with some friends. I love Christmas. We had to take them to the house in our neighborhood with the entire Christmas village in the garage. It is awesome.
They had lots of new things this year, including a little Elvis display. How cool is that? Brian loves Elvis!
We headed to Starbuck's for hot chocolate and then off to Cherry Street. Joe was happy because he got chatted up by a group of cute girls. It was a fun night.

Saturday, December 11th happiness: This morning instead of being on time for the yearly cookie exchange, I was having another mini meltdown. It was a rough week. I cried a bit, Brian made me feel better, then he went to Paradise Bakery and bought my cookies because I have been too busy to make them this year, and then I showed up late for the cookie exchange.

It was good this year. It was more of a dessert exchange, not just cookies, and everything was fabulous. Plus, there was a Christmas trivia quiz and a Christmas song guessing game. Fun stuff. Tiffany and Sheri always do a fabulous job.

This afternoon Brian and I went out and did a little shopping. I am not a huge fan of shopping, in general, but it was fun to hang out with Brian. We didn't last long though, Brian and I weren't feeling very good. I did enjoy the sunset on the way home:

Then, we ended up canceling plans with friends and went home and went to bed early. We are old and tired.

Sunday, December 12th happiness: I did not feel well today AT ALL. I spent most of the day in bed. I did catch an old Cary Grant movie on t.v. today. Sigh.....I love Cary Grant.

Monday, December 13th happiness: Still not feeling too good today, but we had caroling planned for tonight, and there was no way Joe was going to miss out on it. He loves this particular holiday tradition. He even learned 2 songs on the guitar so he could play the music for us this year.
We had so much fun. Evan kept cracking me up because he would just walk off half way through the song. I guess he didn't feel like singing. Also, I love my sister Sheri. Everything is more fun with her around. My favorite part of the night was visiting Grandmother. She loves it when we come and sing to her.

Tuesday, December 14th happiness:
Isn't it the cutest little Charlie Brown tree ever? It is outside Sheri's house and I get to see it every time I drop off Max and Ben. It makes me happy.

Wednesday, December 15th: I stayed up super late tonight getting Christmas cards and little gifts ready for my kids tomorrow. After about and hour of working on these super cute homemade snowman cards, and barely making any progress, I realized that I have a ton of cute cards leftover from years past that I could use instead. duh! It still took me a long time to write out the cards and and get everything ready. But it was fun. I love my school kiddos.

Thursday, December 16th: Usually I post pictures of gorgeous sunsets. Today it is a gorgeous sunrise:
As I went out to the car this morning, I just really liked how the sky looked. It made me happy, so I stopped to take a picture. In case you haven't noticed, I like clouds.

Rain today. Woo hoo!

After school today I went to Costco to get a treat for book club tonight. I was supposed to bring a dessert or appetizer to share. Since, I know longer have time for things like cooking, I cheat and buy things instead. This is what I bought to share:
Joe and I had to sample one when we got home. Holy Cow! they are good!

Then, I went to my room to read for a while. I didn't finish the book yet.

Sadly, I fell asleep. Brian woke me up at 7:00 when he got home. Since it started at 7:00, and I was no where near ready to go, and still super tired from staying up so late the night before, I skipped it. I am so lame.

That's it for now.

Happy Day!


Shauna said...

Book group was FUN! I didn't finish the book and after what everyone thought of it I'm glad I didn't waste my time! A lot of people came late (as usual.) You should've come anyway but there's always next time!

Sheri said...

Those lemon bites look soooooo good. And I love that picture of us caroling. I might steal it.

I love you. If there's ever ANYTHING I can do for you I hope you won't hesitate to ask me.

Teresa said...

Sometimes we all just need a good cry to release the stress.

LauraB said...

Those lemon bites ARE good!

I'm jealous of your caroling fun - I might hide in the van and go with you next year!!