M2B =) days 685 - 689. Saturday, December 31st - Wednesday, January 4th happiness:
Saturday, December 31st: WARNING - This next photo is for mature audiences only! =)
So, Michael and Joe finished their snowman today. Apparently they thought he should be an anatomically correct snowman. For, if he truly IS a man, he SHOULD have man parts.
Introducing Dan, the anatomically correct snowman (sorry mom!):
I didn't ask who's idea it was, or who had the honor of doing the sculpting. I really didn't want to know.
What can I say? Boys will be boys.....and it kept them busy outside for a good long time. And, Sheri's family had someone to welcome them when they made it in today.
Later, when the Trezise boys were there too, they all went out to play in the snow. I love how this picture of Michael turned out.
Later that night we had fireworks, of course.

Some of the Trezise boys had fallen asleep, but not Max. He had fun playing with the sparklers.
I love how in this one, he managed to make a perfect circle. Cool!

Sunday, January 1st happiness: Sadly the Trezise family left us this afternoon. I think they would have stayed longer, but Evan was having a rough time. He would go outside, and get freezing cold, then he would come inside and sit by the heater, and be too hot, so he would go outside and get too cold again. You get the idea. I don't think he was having as much fun as the others, so they decided to head home a little early. I was sad to see them go, but was glad that they got to come up for a little while at least.
Tonight, Brian, Joe, Michael and I played hearts. I LOVE to play hearts, but I am not always good at it, and I am NEVER gutsy and try to shoot the moon.
Tonight was different. I was dealt the greatest running hand EVER, and I HAD to go for it. I did, and I ended up, not only shooting the moon, but winning the entire game. Woo hoo!
Afterwards I had a brilliant idea that I would take a photo of my running hand, with Joe, Michael and Brian looking sad in the background.
The problem is, they would make the most ridiculous looking sad faces, and then bust up giggling. This is what I got instead:
Good Times.
Monday, January 2nd happiness: All good things must come to an end, and so we said goodbye to the cabin.
And, as always, the best part of coming home is getting to see Bob and Tiger. I missed those kitties.
Tuesday, January 3rd happiness: Back to school today. I got to see all my kiddo's today. I love that when I go to get them off of the playground in the morning, they all run to see me and give me hugs.
Tonight, Brian and I had a little date night. In the middle of the week- I KNOW! we are crazy like that. We just went to the mall for a bit and then had dinner at Paradise Bakery.
I am loving Paradise Bakery right now. They have a delicious Turkey salad with pears and dried cherries. I am also LOVING the turkey and bacon panini:
Wednesday, January 4th happiness: Tonight's happiness was sitting on the couch with my sweetie, and watching our shows. Usually, my favorite part of the day, is after all the craziness of work, and homework, and housework and errands and dinner is all done...I get to sit on the couch and relax with Brian and just hang out. A perfect ending to the day.
Happy Day!
I love spending time with you guys at the cabin. We had a blast!
And that snowman was a work of art!
I love that pic of the running hand too!! So funny.. And so much for myths about men and the cold! Way to go Dan!!
Seriously funny snowman...what a greeting for Sheri!
Oh, and I have to say the pics of the sparkler were very cool!
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