Monday, March 9, 2009

celebration of learning

THURSDAY, MARCH 5th - 2009

Today was early release and the "celebration of learning" at Joe's school.  Joe absolutely loves the celebration of learning.   He gets to lead me all around the school and show me all of the things he does during his day, projects he's been working on, etc.   Here are two of the things he was most excited to show me:

He was especially excited to show me Billy (the goat).  We stayed there for a while.  I love that Joseph loves his school and his teacher and is excited to show me what is going on.  It was fun.


Teresa said...

Wow. That is a pretty cool school. I don't remember having animals around when I was in school.

Unknown said...

I have to say i am in LOVE with our turtle! He really makes my day. However, I'm thinking a billy goat as a pet might be kinda cool!

Sheri said...

I'm wondering who takes care of that goat? And those horns look sharp!

Joe said...

Those animals Were my teacher's sister's.
she brings them in every year.
oh tricia, by the way, the billy goat needs LOTS of land to roam around in.